Sportsbooks no longer operate on traditional methods from years past. Learn the new game with VEGAS DANNY and experience true success in this business.
80.98% WIN RATE
The main recipe to winning betting sports are discipline, bankroll management, and consistent low volume bets. Betting is a very serous business understanding how to win long term is not available to general recreation bettor.
VEGAS DANNY will show you the way.

Vegas Danny
Diamond Play
VEGAS DANNY's premiere play. Owners best play on the board. This play is designed for serious bettors who want to elevate their bankroll rapidly.
Vegas Danny
Keys To Winning
Self Confidence
You must internalize supreme confidence in yourself that every time you place a wager that you will win, over time this will manifest as success. Everything is mental before it is physical.
Live With The Results
Successful betting is simply reacting to what you know and living with the results.
Don't Bet Parlays
Parlays are among the worst investments you can make. Instead of needing just one win, you need multiple while not receiving the proper mathematical payoff. If you believe you will win long term betting parlays, you will go broke.
The key to sports wagering is simply memorization. Internalize what the lines are daily for each team, what is a normal line when they win, what are the lines when they lose and repetition. If you can do that you will be a winning gambler. Most people are too lazy to do this so the moment you start you're ahead of 90% of gamblers.
The real key to betting is simple memory and patterns. Watch the betting lines every day and recall what the lines are for each team; if you can't remember them, don't worry, just write them down on your phone or computer.
Mental State
Life is basically a big game of chicken. Who will blink first and fold. The mental state you are in greatly affects how you perceive the world, the world perceives you, and how you will react. If you are not in the right state of mind you wil lose.
Discipline is essential in betting since many people forget that there are always games tomorrow and that there may be no appropriate wagers to place on that particular day. Betting is not about having fun, watching a game on TV because you're bored, or impressing people; rather, it's about making or losing money. Can you discipline yourself? If you can, you will do exceptionally well in this. Excuses mean nothing except results.
Paid Client
“Yo bro your picks are fire man. I'm up over $10,000 the past month”
– John S.
Paid Client
"I was able to grab few more gifts for the kids on Christmas. Thanks so much for what you do”
–Rick M.
Paid Client
“I've been on Diamond Play weekly for two weeks and being up 25 Units already is crazy. LFG!”
– Mike T.
Paid Client
"Aye man I thought this guy was all talk until I bought in and the rest is history. Vegas Danny is as best as they come."
-Damon R.
Paid Client
"Look the way things are going so far, I will probably be a subscriber for life."
-Ross G